The Campaign represents a diverse coalition of national and international organisations, NGOs, grassroots movements and individuals working for a mine-free Western Sahara and for the respect for the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination. Its membership currently includes:
- ARTifariti
- European Coordination of Support for the Sahrawi people (EUCOCO)
- International Platform of Jurists for East Timor (IPJET)
- Red de estudios sobre efectos de minas terrestres y muros en el Sahara Occidental (REMMSO) (Network of Studies on the Effects of Landmines and Walls in the Western Sahara)
- Stichting Zelfbeschikking West Sahara (Foundation for Self-determination in Western Sahara)
- Pedro Pinto Leite, international jurist
- Asociación de Amistad con el Pueblo Saharaui de Sevilla (AAPSS)
- La Coordinadora Estatal de Asociaciones de Solidaridad con el Sáhara (CEAS-SÁHARA) (Coordination of Spanish Associations of Solidarity with Western Sahara)
- Alouda, Cantabria
- Dales Voz a las Víctimas (Give Voice to the Victims)
- (for a free Sahara)
- Leonardo Urrutia Segura, writer and journalist
- Western Sahara Action Forum (WSAF)
- Western Sahara Campaign UK
- Joanna Allan, PhD Student
- Violeta Ruano, PhD Student
Western Sahara
- Association of Families of Sahrawi Prisoners and Disappeared (AFAPREDESA)
- National Union of Sahrawi Women (UNMS)
- Platform of “Cries against the Moroccan Wall”
- Sahrawi Association of Mine Victims (ASAVIM)
- Sahrawi Campaign to Ban Landmines (SCBL)
- Sahrawi Mine Action Coordination Office (SMACO)